Saturday, July 18, 2015

Formal sheet dresses?

...Is that an oxymoron? Because these two dresses both ended up being the kind of thing I'll probably only wear to events where I should really probably look somewhat respectable. My guy says they look like curtains, and I can't entirely disagree!

I made them both from New Look 6749 (picked up at value village for .99 cents, score!), and both from sheets that my mom gave me after she got a differently sized bed and couldn't use them any more.

Other than the pattern and fabric, everything else for them came out of my stash and remnants, so while these dresses may not get a lot of use, at least they were practically free! I used view D for this one, with short lengths of lace trim used instead of fabric tubes for the strap bands.

I predictably had to take a big wedge out along the centre back seam to make it fit my back, with caused the bodice/skirt seam to meet in a V at the zipper. I know that is probably considered a bad thing, but with the lace along that seam I think it looks quite pretty!

For the second dress I made view B (I would have done C, which has the narrow straps, to make it more distinct from the first one, but at this point I was still thinking I would wear them to work, and we have a 2" strap minimum). I used the same lace as on the first one, but around the hem to add a little interest to the bottom of otherwise boring skirt.

The patterns originally had a narrow shift-type skirt, but I didn't feel like trying to make it work with my swayback/giant booty, so I slashed and spread to make both the front and back about twice as full, and divided each side of the skirt back into two panels split where the dart originally went.

With the fuller skirt and empire waistline, the dresses ended up having a slight regency vibe. It isn't the most flattering thing for my figure, largely obscuring my waist, but it's got a certain elegance to it.

While I was a little disappointed that these ended up feeling more classy than I'm comfortable rocking on a daily basis, I can't argue with actually having something normal in the closet for those occasions when one can't get away with superheros and ruffles, hahaha.

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